Monday, March 30, 2009

Soccer has begun!!!

Bella took a ball as soon as we arrived and went to shoot a goal! I am not a psycho bundler, it was freaking windy and cold!
Bella's 1st soccer 'game,' they're practices really...
"watch out world, here I come" said Bella
Kicking a goal...
she shoots, she scores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Butterfly House

Our first butterfly landing, on Uncle Jeffrey's hand...
Daniel, Lily and Bella on the butterfly chair....Lily is sweating from the temperature in there!
Is she cute or what?
Daniel and Bella on the butterfly outside...didn't notice the 'do not climb' sign until after the picture...

Bella and me hiding in the cubes....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bella's 1st big girl haircut

Getting reading to cut off the hair...1st wash at a salon.....o boy am I in trouble!!!!
The finished product!