Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lilyan Estelle

Here is the newest addition to the ever increasing family! This is Lilyan Estelle, and her BIG brother Daniel. He is so very proud of his little sister.
Bella and I are already inlove with this little bundle of joy too!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Play Doh anyone?

Evan and Bella had a fun time making long snakes out of Play Doh...Bella actually was a little bit of a stinker during this activity. She had to share her precious Play Doh collection and that led her to TIME OUT!

So, believe it or not...

we have our not-so-perfect days!

Fun in the sun???

So the weather played a fun trick on us last week!!! Bella and Mommy went to the park. She is getting so big.

Tyree...yukky face

So, as most of you know, I am the proud weekend mommy of Tyree. He is almost 6 months old, and in these pix...not very excited about what Aunt Mee-Mee put in his mouth! Bella is a great big cousin to him, she just loves him soooo much! What a cutie patootie :)