Friday, December 12, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tyree, my nephew...pre haircut
and post haircut :(

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween...BOO!

Wilma and Pebbles Flinstone!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Six Flags with friends....Bella loves going!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bella's 1st recital

Bella and her friends ant their first tap dance recital. This is a 2 1/2 to 5 year old class. Lindsey and I were able to attend, Bella did a great job...even while taking her skirt off!!! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Bella liked her Easter dress a lot, however...momma should not have bothered with new shoes...she wore her cowgirl boots with it!

Monday, March 24, 2008

We're Dancing...

Bella is taking tap lessons, she really seems to like it. We had quite a time at first...Bella could not stay on her feet in those slippery shoes. She is doing much better now, and likes to show off her new moves!!! Mommy can not wait for her first recital in April!

Bella is enjoying dance class...almost as much as licking the window!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Let's Sing

Cute to boot! Bella has the cutest little tune she's been singing! Here's the video...

She's singing "Hey, Hey, You , You, I wanna be my furfriend (girlfriend)"

Enjoy :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Play Date...

Ella and Bella playing at the playground in the mall. The kids had a great time...I think Bella may be taking some clothing pointers from Ella in this picture....she's really checking her out!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lilyan Estelle

Here is the newest addition to the ever increasing family! This is Lilyan Estelle, and her BIG brother Daniel. He is so very proud of his little sister.
Bella and I are already inlove with this little bundle of joy too!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Play Doh anyone?

Evan and Bella had a fun time making long snakes out of Play Doh...Bella actually was a little bit of a stinker during this activity. She had to share her precious Play Doh collection and that led her to TIME OUT!

So, believe it or not...

we have our not-so-perfect days!

Fun in the sun???

So the weather played a fun trick on us last week!!! Bella and Mommy went to the park. She is getting so big.

Tyree...yukky face

So, as most of you know, I am the proud weekend mommy of Tyree. He is almost 6 months old, and in these pix...not very excited about what Aunt Mee-Mee put in his mouth! Bella is a great big cousin to him, she just loves him soooo much! What a cutie patootie :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We love ELMO

We spend our weekend with friends again! The entire Sesame Street crew, which are now 'friends' of Bella's, did an amazing job entertaining my little girl. Bella would like them to come swimming with her! I haven't told her that she may be a little afraid of how they will look wet :) Sunday morning before Elmo we went to the park, the weather was great, and I could see a big difference in Bella, she loves being outside.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Chop Stick Time!

Bella and I went out for sushi last night. She enjoyed the chopsticks, and actually did manage to get a few bites with them. Bella also tried eel, ate it, but did not ask for a second bite :).


This weekend Bella and I went bowling with our friends in Columbia. The trip there was for Conner's birthday, however we took advantage of our time together and took the kids bowling. Bella enjoyed it, it was her first time...but as her mommies daughter...she acted like she knew what she was doing! We had a great time.